“I Can Do” Attitude Drives Success for Orion Melton

When asked how he has grown as a student, Lutheran High School St. Charles junior Orion Melton replied, “I’ve learned to think of homework less as daily torture and more as something that needs to be done and that I can do.”

Orion attributes much of his high school success to the LASE Learning Center, a program that provides academic instruction, support, and curriculum modifications for students with varying disabilities. Orion’s grandmother, Pam Melton, said that she used to be worried what high school would be like for him since he is a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of Autism.

Pam said her fears were dispelled when they found the LASE Learning Center and teacher Mrs. Sue Klobnak. “Mrs. Klobnak helps him tremendously by keeping him organized. I couldn’t ask for a better teacher.” Teachers at Lutheran High are very complimentary about Orion’s work ethic and thoughtfulness.

Orion says he sees the love of Christ show through at LHSSC because the students are so positive. When asked what he wants others to know about people with Asperger’s, he carefully replied, “Asperger’s make people act and think differently but it does not mean they are not intelligent or not interesting.” Orion is not sure what the future holds but he definitely wants to go to college and perhaps become a writer. The best is still to come for this bright young man!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira